


LCG Publishes 2025 Annual Outlook for Texas Electricity Market (ERCOT)

LCG, August 14, 2024 – LCG Consulting (LCG) has released its annual outlook of the ERCOT wholesale electricity market for 2025, highlighting the region's rapid transition toward increased reliance on renewable energy resources and battery storage.

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LCG Publishes 2025 Annual Outlook for Texas Electricity Market (ERCOT)

LCG, August 14, 2024 – LCG Consulting (LCG) has released its annual outlook of the ERCOT wholesale electricity market for 2025, highlighting the region's rapid transition toward increased reliance on renewable energy resources and battery storage.

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Industry News

Legal Action Could Prevent Utah Gas Drilling

LCG, Aug. 26, 2003--Efforts by a prominent gas extraction company to tap resources in Utah are being challenged by environmental interests who want to preserve centuries-old rock carvings in the Nine-Mile Canyon.

The Bill Barrett Corp. purchased a lease from the federal government covering 53,000 acres, and developed plans to drill seven wells and conduct seismic testing within an area of 80 square miles. It did so within the context of falling gas production in most areas of the United States, and an average drilling permitting time that has nearly doubled to six months, from about three months in 2001.

The Nine-Mile Canyon is part of an area that is now home mostly to elk. Although the Bureau of Land Management was nearly ready to approve drilling within the canyon in May, the substance of an environmental assessment that had been paid for by Bill Barrett Corp. was found by an attorney for the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance, Stephen Bloch, to have left out some requirements concerning notification of Hopi and Navajo tribes. Bloch indicated he would be willing to take legal action if certain oversights were not corrected.

As a result, drilling would start in 2004 if not later. The company has made it clear that it believes the magnitude of the resources that could be extracted would provide for several thousand residences for at least two decades, and is holding on to its objective of conducting seismic tests in the area as well as drilling. As the Bureau of Land Management waits for a revised environmental assessment, the SUWA is also adamant in contending that the sight of the rock carvings should not be spoiled by well pads or heavy traffic. As most new power plants are fueled by natural gas, and production from existing gas wells in easily accessible areas is declining, such legal battles are likely to continue.
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