Recent Projects
ERCOT LMP Forecast - Sempra Energy
- System-wide Cost Benefit Analysis of Houston Import
Transmission Upgrade Options including production cost
benefit, generator revenues, consumers’ surplus,
congestion cost, and increase in regional import (ERCOT
- Congestion Study for potential wind farm projects in
ERCOT, MISO, PJM, and Alberta with sensitivity analysis
- Solar Project Siting Study: A grid analysis to
evaluate the efficacy of potential solar plants at
designated locations in Texas
- PJM Transmission Study to assess the impacts of the
W3-122 transmission project on generation assets by
providing congestion modeling support and forecast of
- Adaption of UPLAN to model Russian wholesale
electricity market and assisting in the implementation
of the model to provide 20-year forecasts
Transmission Cost Benefit Analysis: Assessment of the impact
of integrating additional transmission lines with ERCOT ISO
network under various wind penetration and gas price
- Transmission Congestion and Power Basis Modeling:
Ongoing congestion modeling support and monthly forecast of
LMPs in the ERCOT, PJM and ISO-NE regions
- Sensitivity Analysis of Buffalo Gap generating plants in
support of going into merchant operation
- Transmission study to provide cost estimates under
various interconnection scenarios
- Development of a user interface to a Lyapunov function
based remedial action screening (L-RAS) tool for US
Department of Energy
- Cost benefit analysis to assess the economic impact of
the MISO-Entergy integration on TVA owned load within the
Entergy transmission footprint and TVA’s overall production
- Cost Benefit and Financial Analysis of investment
opportunity in LCRA’s Ferguson Refurbishment project for
City of San Marcos
- Dual-market Cost-Benefit Analysis of
the proposed Southern Cross Transmission in ERCOT
- 20-year Nodal price forecasting and analytic services to assess the
impact of wind energy addition on the current and future
transmission congestion and loss costs for Tennessee Valley
Authority (TVA)
- Hydro and Pumped Storage – DOE award to
support development of advanced water power technologies:
Modeling and analysis of Hydropower grid services to analyze
how existing and new conventional and pumped hydro storage
can bring benefits to the grid to meet the proposed RPS
requirements in the West
- Energy Storage – Economic studies exploring the efficacy
of utilizing energy storage systems in integrating wind
resources in regional electric systems
- Wind Integration – DOE project that promotes
collaborative planning for balancing wind variability across
- Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) feasibility and risk
- ERCOT CREZ Wind and Transmission Scenario Simulation to
evaluate the impact of LCRA McCamey-Kendall-Gillespie-Newton
(M-K-G-N) or other alternative CREZ line configurations
- SPP/Entergy System Simulation and Plant Siting Study:
Analyze scenarios for potential project lineups to determine
the optimal grid connection with ERCOT and the cost of
exporting or importing the imbalance
- Development of a strategic resource plan and economic
assessments of the value of generating resources and
potential investments for Garland Power and Light (GP&L)
- Hybrid Storage (CAES and Battery) Performance Analysis
Economic and Green House Gas Emission Assessment of
utilizing Energy Storage Systems in ERCOT - Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Development of Greek Electric Power and Natural Gas
Systems Simulator Including Planning, Execution and
Settlement of Short-Term Whole-Sale Markets -
Regulatory Authority for Energy,
System evaluation of the conversion of existing
Open-Cycle Gas Turbine (OCGT) plants to Combined Cycle
Gas Turbine (CCGT) configuration -
Oman Power and Water Procurement (OPWP)
Wind Siting Study in PJM and MISO: Assessment of the
value of new wind farm locations and their impacts on
the transmission system
Scope and impacts of wind generation on markets and
existing and new generation in a commercial setting – A
Preview of Texas Development -
Southeast Renewable Scoping Study to evaluate the
potential of renewable generation technologies under
alternative market and regulatory scenarios -
Testimony support – CREZ hybrid scenario 2 that proposes
the maximum wind addition in Briscoe County
Projection of the TCR values for the generators of
interest for annual and monthly auctions
Using Market Simulations to Support Plant Budgeting: A
Market and Plant Operation Case Study -
Analysis of Texas Competitive Renewable Energy Zone (CREZ)
Transmission Scenario 2: costs and net societal benefit
of the transmission upgrades
Evaluate the economic benefits of the proposed Green
path North(GP-N)
interconnection in southern California
Development of alternative transmission and wind turbine
configurations and determination of the cost-benefit of
the potential transmission upgrades
Study of the economic impact of PVD2 transmission line
on Arizona consumers
Integrated generation and transmission study to
determine the potential cost impacts associated with the
transmission of power to and from potential wind
generation sites -Austin Energy
Analysis of the value of the Congestion Revenue Rights (CRRs)
on the CAISO system and Locational Marginal Prices (LMPs)
under the proposed MRTU market structure
Transmission congestion analysis, LMP forecast, and
valuation of a proposed new generation plant in Ontario
Coal Option Valuation & Market-Based Valuation of New
Coal-Fired Generation
Analysis of Ancillary Service Requirements: Revenues
from A/S and Operational Flexibility
Avoided Cost Analysis - Kauai Island Utility Cooperative (KIUC)
Integrated Resource Planning filing for 2004 - KIUC
Analysis of new deal structure of El Segundo & Congestion
Cost Study -
West Basin Municipal Water District
Forecasting electricity prices and
revenues, and valuing the complete fleet of generating
assets in the wholesale electricity market in the
Russian Federation
Valuation of Transmission Investment in Russian Federation -
Federal Grid
New England Market Study: Market simulation and
assessment of the stranded cost of FirstEnergy's
generation assets and testimony support