Surviving and Thriving in the RTO Revolution
How to
design tariffs to improve reliability and attract merchant generation
Rajat K. Deb, Lie-long Hsue,
Alex Ornatsky and Jason E. Christian
FERC (Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission) in Order 2000 requires Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs),
including for-profit TransCos and non-profit ISOs, must meet a number of
criteria in their design, implementation, and management of the transmission
grid. But to survive and thrive, they must learn to do much more¾and with better tools attuned to the task.
On the surface, RTOs (regional transmission organizations)
perform a concise list of transmission-related functions, assigned to them by
the FERC. First, RTOs must to design and collect transmission tariffs. Second,
RTOs must manage various parameters of grid operations in the short term, such
as congestion, ancillary services, loop flows, and OASIS¾the interface with the grid customer. At the same time, RTOs
will take the lead in long-term planning for future grid design and
construction. And finally, the RTO acts as the official regional transmission
“czar,” coordinating grid operations with other regions and overseeing the
efficiency and fairness of regional markets.
Yet the real job of running an RTO may prove more complex.
Consider the events of last year in California and the West, and the
difficulties experienced by the California Independent System Operator. This
experience suggests that the job of the RTO goes far beyond the managing the
nominal transmission sector.
Like it or not, RTOs must inevitably engage in integrated
resource planning, for both transmission and generation. Of course, it is true
that under a market-driven restructuring, the choice and manner of deployment
of generation and transmission capacity represent separate business decisions.
Yet, these two segments remain interdependent.
Consider generation. The potential investor in additional
generation capacity is interested in the future energy prices at a prospective
location, which are likely to be influenced by the future state of the
transmission grid. The size and location of investments in expanded generation
is influenced by expectations regarding the future costs of transmission access
and use. Now consider the grid. The value of a transmission line is increased
by congestion. Thus, if anticipated new generation is sited differently than
had been expected a line may not receive usage- or congestion-based revenues
that were to justify its installation. New generation may decrease congestion
in certain parts of the system while increasing it in others, while new
transmission facilities may decrease the reliance on transmission facilities
already operating below capacity. Investment in either generation or
transmission alters the revenue expectations for the other. That is the
environment in which the RTO must design and collect tariffs, manage short-term
grid operations, and plan for long-term expansion.
To understand the complexity of these market-driven
dynamics, compare the RTO’s job with the process of generation and transmission
planning and rate setting, as performed historically by the traditional
vertically integrated electric utility.
To the traditional utility, the planning of generation and
transmission and the setting of rates is a matter of recovering costs of
capital investment and operations and of ensuring system reliability as
measured against certain probabilities of events. That is much different than
operating the grid to increase efficiency and minimize costs, or to locate and
build new generating plants only according to economic criteria and profit
On the wires side, the traditional utility integrated its
rates for transmission and distribution services with generation,
administrative and other charges. With no real distinction between generation
and transmission charges, the actual revenue requirements or costs of
transmission and distribution services were transparent.
The transmission charge, such as it is, is subsumed into a single, system-wide
(postage-stamp) rate for each customer class. Inasmuch as revenue requirements
are met by postage-stamp charges, distance and topology have no role in the
transmission charge. All potential paths are therefore treated alike, and thus
the different values of separate lines are not recognized. The use of a
postage-stamp charge for the utilization of transmission that is operating
below capacity discourages use of the transmission. It favors generation on the
receiving or energy-deficit side of the transmission path over generation on
the sending or energy-surplus side of the path. Such usage fees unlinked to
transmission constraints are inefficient. Moreover, the pancaking of such fees
(the combining of rates for transactions crossing two or more grid systems) discourages
efficient inter-regional trading of power.
On the generation side, the traditional utility measured
adequacy and reliability by using a static index of Loss of Load Probability
(LOLP), which takes into account only generation outages but assumes no
uncertainties in demand. LOLP is a long-term measure often used as a criterion
for generation expansion. However, in the deregulated market, merchant plant
additions are based on economic criteria, such as the marginal value of
additional generation at a particular grid location, as affected by grid
capacity and congestion. For the merchant generator, capacity additions cannot
be dictated solely by reliability measures, such as LOLP or reserve margin.
What do these ideas mean for the successful RTO?
Today, in spite of the unbundling of transmission and
generation dictated by restructuring, the RRO must plan and operate the
backbone transmission grid in an integrated, coordinated way that will also
support efficient investment in generation. In a very real sense, the RTO in
effect must re-bundle transmission and generation, but in a new way¾one that goes beyond static cost recovery.
Instead, the RTO must achieve a dynamic equilibrium that boosts the efficiency
of the grid and at the same time raises the transparency of profit
opportunities in merchant generation.
To its credit, the FERC acknowledges some of the essence of
this revolution, though it recognizes the political realities involved in
brining it to fruition. In Order 2000 (and in the Dec. 15 order regarding
California power markets), it encourages market pricing to bring into focus the
comparative values of transmission facilities, and the impact of congestion
under different pricing protocols. Yet it concedes the need to recover sunk
costs. The FERC, in its descriptions of the RTO, recognizes that a transition
to a more market-based approach is to be accompanied by continued reliance on
various fixed-cost recovery measures. It is up to each RTO to determine how
either market- or usage-based charges and fixed-cost components can complement
one another.
Whether a non-profit ISO or a for-profit GridCo, the RTO
combines traditional functions with many that are new to the power industry.
Managerial innovation and flexibility are called for in this new organization¾along with some new analytical tools that
can help model transmission usage and profit opportunities in generation.
A market simulation tool can provide important information
to both the RTO and to users of the RTO-administered grid. Such a tool must
describe the physical and commercial operations of the grid, and be
sufficiently flexible to accommodate the various actions that an RTO might
take. A market simulation tool that meets these criteria can both contribute
to the RTO’s performance of its functions, and to the profitable interaction of
market participants with the power market. To be useful, however, for both the
RTO and the RTO’s grid users, the market simulation tool must describe market
responses to RTO activities.
In this article, we examine some of the problems involved in
three of the eight enumerated functions for RTOs¾tariff
design, providing ancillary services, and transmission planning¾and how a dynamic model for market
simulation might help form these tasks. (See Technical Appendix.)
Tariffs: Testing Alternative Designs
The design and administration of an open-access transmission
tariff, the collection of prices, terms and conditions that facilitate the use
of a transmission grid by generators and loads, is one of the primary duties of
the RTO. The tariff design project is complex. First, the RTO must satisfy
FERC requirements that it offer non-discriminatory access, follow
cost-causation principles, and eliminate pancaking. Second, it must deliver the
revenue necessary for the physical and financial maintenance of the
transmission grid. Third, the operation of the tariff—the computation and
assessment of various rates—interacts with other elements of the RTO design and
operation, such as mechanisms for managing congestion, or the grid planning and
expansion process.
At the same time, however, the tariff must reflect the needs
of the generation sector. The size and location of investments in expanded
generation, which contributes to the future market value of transmission, is
influenced by generator owners’ expectations regarding the future costs of
transmission access and use. A transmission line’s value is increased by
congestion, and thus, if anticipated new generation is sited differently than
had been expected, a line may not receive usage- or congestion-based revenues
that were to justify its installation. New generation may decrease congestion
in certain parts of the system while increasing it in others, while new
transmission facilities may decrease the reliance on transmission facilities
already operating below capacity. Investment in either generation or
transmission alters the revenue expectations for the other. A reliability
manager who is alert to such possibilities may find pressures on the established
balance between usage-based revenues and fixed cost-recovery measures.
How would an RTO employ a market simulation tool to address
this problem?
Here, we analyze the likely effects of two potential tariff
designs for transmission. The first design is a distance-based, megawatt-mile
capacity charge assessed to a bilateral transaction. The second design features
a per-megawatt postage-stamp access fee, computed to fill the gap between the
grid’s revenue requirements and its earnings from a pure nodal-pricing
congestion-management mechanism. Both of these examples are worked through the
simplified example of the IEEE 24-bus case.[1]
- A Base Case Tariff. First, start with a base-case scenario
involving pure nodal locational marginal pricing (LMP) to recover congestion
costs, but with no access charge for grid use. This scenario provides a
baseline dispatch that minimizes total going-forward cost of delivering energy,
subject to the physical constraints of the transmission network.
- Compare an Alternative. The next step involves choosing a
proposed tariff, such as a per-MWh postage-stamp access charge assessed to all
loads in the RTO territory, and comparing its effects with the base case. The
model simulates the effects of the proposed tariff, including the revenues it
will produce, and compares the required physical dispatch to that resulting
from the base-case dispatch. Note that the FERC has adopted the same approach
to evaluate congestion-management in its recent order on California power
In that order the California ISO is instructed to compare the outcomes from its
planned zonal locational pricing scheme to the outcomes under full nodal LMP
pricing. A demonstration that a proposed postage-stamp access fee is consistent
with efficient dispatch of generation is a powerful argument that the tariff
meets FERC requirements.
- Compute Grid Value. Use the estimate of revenues produced
by the alternative tariff to calculate a dollar value of the grid implied by
such revenues, and compare this grid value against the costs required for
ongoing maintenance of the grid, depreciation, capital costs of the grid,
administration, and so on. Grid revenues may depend on many different input
variables such as weather, fuel prices, and other more-or-less volatile drivers
of supply and demand. The interaction of these drivers produces volatility of
grid revenues, which may be evaluated through the use of Monte-Carlo
simulations (i.e., a series of separate simulations conducted under specific
sets of input variables, drawn at random, according to their respective
probabilities.) This exercise produces a range of likely outcomes, allowing a
far more useful evaluation of the financial viability of the proposed tariff
- Market Response. Take the evaluation in Step 3 and enhance
it further through a long-run evaluation, taking into account both growth of
loads and the amount and location of future investments in expanded generation.
In other words, update the comparison of grid value and cost by the expansions
that respond, in general, to locational price signals that are produced by the
proposed tariff. This step recognizes that over a period of time, the owners of
generation can choose the size and location of investments in new generating
capacity. This type of simulation, with the tariff charge in place, permits a
before-the-fact posting of a tariff, rather than a forecast followed by ex-post
true-up¾a procedure which is
fundamentally inconsistent with market operations in which independent actors
respond to existing prices for firm products.
Simulation: Megawatt-Mile Tariff
Megawatt-Mile (MW-M) methods have intuitive appeal for
recovery of grid costs. They seem to allocate grid costs based on the way that
different customers use the grid. They take account of the strong contribution
of distance to grid capital costs (since transmission lines make up a
significant element of grid costs). In addition, transmission losses, which
are an element of grid operating costs, are directly related to the distance
between generation and load. On the other hand, in real time, in the absence
of congestion, transmission losses are the only distance-related element of the
cost a transaction imposes upon the grid. So MW-M charges in excess of that
necessary to recover the costs of transmission losses violate cost-causation
principles, and provide disincentives to the use of excess grid capacity.
A variety of specifications have been proposed to compute
MWM charges, designed to either accommodate or capture “counter-flows” which
reduce actual grid use, to ensure full collection of grid costs, to avoid the
formation of coalitions to avoid grid charges, and so on.[3]
Most of these methods involve an evaluation of the power flows “caused” by a
transaction, generally in peak hour. This can be derived from a simulation
that uses a good power-flow model in conjunction with a description of the
behavior of generators and loads.
To conduct the simulations,
an incremental MW-M charge using several MW-M methods was computed to allocate
grid charges between a flat 10-MW per hour bilateral transaction between
specified injection and withdrawal busses. Two simulations are required. For
each, the flows on every transmission line are computed. The difference between
the no-transaction flows during the peak hour and the flows with the
transaction is assigned to the transaction, which is used in the computations
whose results are shown in the table.
The annual cost/MW and a rate per MWh are shown in the table
below. For each of the method, the revenue from the 10 MW transaction and the
rest of the network are shown. Note that in the power flow method the total
revenue is less than the revenue requirement due to under utilization of the
lines. It should be noted that if this fee is charged based on metered grid
use, it creates an incentive to not complete the transaction, which can produce
under-collection of grid costs.
1. Transmission Charges: MW-M Alternatives
Revenue Recovery
Revenue Recovery
Revenue Recovery
Revenue Recovery
Revenue Recovery
Simulation: Congestion
Pricing Plus Postage-Stamp Access Fee
charging for use of the transmission grid is attractive on theoretical grounds,
and is a principal preoccupation of the FERC in its review of RTO proposals.
The clearing of nodal markets using locational marginal pricing (LMP) produces
appropriate signals for both security-constrained dispatch and for investments
in generation and transmission, and for the location of energy-intensive loads.
In fact, under its recent order regarding California power markets, the FERC is
now requiring grid operators to compare their results against an explicit
nodal-based LMP approach.
Congestion pricing to
recover grid costs has a very considerable practical difficulty: in the absence
of congestion there are no grid revenues, either to pay for the energy loss
from transmission, or to pay the maintenance, operating, and financial costs of
the grid. For these reasons additional charging mechanisms are generally
In this example, we
consider a flat grid access fee, designed as a per-MWh postage-stamp charge,
and applied to all loads in a zone corresponding to the service territory of a
RTO. Such a tariff design is non-discriminatory among energy suppliers to a
zone." However, if exporters apply their “stamps” to wheeling-out
transactions, the resulting pancaking of wheeling-out stamps discriminates
against wheeled transactions. If the postage-stamp uplift is computed in
advance, it may act as a performance-based rate (PBR) to the grid operator: the
more transactions are enabled, the greater it's postage-stamp revenues.
In the IEEE 24-bus case,
nodal spot prices are computed were computed for every hour of the year. All
loads are charged, hour by hour, the relevant nodal spot price per MWh of
energy consumed at each bus, and all generation is paid, hour by hour, the
nodal spot price per MWh of energy injected. The difference between the
revenues and the costs is congestion revenue. In the test case, which has a
peak load of 2,850 MW and annual energy usage of 15.4 million MWh, congestion
revenues were $2.9 Million. If the total annual costs of the grid were $10
Million, the postage stamp would need to collect additional $7.1 million. With
load of 15.4 million MWh, the postage stamp rate would be $0.46/MWh ($7.1
million divided by 15.4 MWh).
Such a fee, charged to all
loads, would recover the additional revenue required for the financial and
physical maintenance of the grid. In the simplified IEEE 24-bus case, there are
no wheeling-in transactions, so that the postage stamp would neither alter the
hourly dispatch of the energy, nor influence the locational decisions facing
load and generation in the future. If the postage stamp were fixed in advance,
with no ex-post true-up, then the charge is a PBR, with an incentive to the
grid operator to encourage additional energy transactions, thereby increasing
use of the grid.
Pricing Capacity Reserves:
Recognizing Opportunity Costs
As the reliability manager, the RTO must provide a design
for the delivery of ancillary services. In addition, as the provider of
open-access transmission services, the RTO must be the provider of last resort
of ancillary services. Several of these ancillary services—the delivery of
regulation services, to allow second-by-second maintenance of system balance,
and the provision of reserve capacity for possible use in resolving
longer-duration imbalances—are closely tied to the energy markets, and may be
simulated jointly with those markets. Other ancillary services—the provision of
scheduling services, the maintenance of adequate Black Start and
voltage-support capability—are either not procured (typically the RTO would
provide scheduling services itself) or are provided under long-term contracts.
Our concern here is with the energy-delivering ancillary services. We use here
the specifications and names of the California system, but note that similar
services, with different names and different detailed specifications, are found
in other systems. There are four categories of these energy-delivering
ancillary services:
- Regulation.[4]
- Spinning Reserves.[5]
- Non-Spinning Reserves.[6]
- Replacement Reserves.[7]
The design and operation of these markets for capacity
reserves can significantly influence the price of energy delivered to a grid’s
loads. They do so directly, through the charges for purchased reserves (in
systems and situations in which energy transactions are not bundled with
self-provided reserves), and indirectly, by contributing an opportunity cost to
generating capacity that can bid either energy or ancillary services. An
evaluation of ancillary service costs is directly important to the RTO itself,
to current owners of generation, and to public and private utilities
considering participation in an existing or proposed RTO. For the RTO, current
ancillary service prices are an element of its required market monitoring
function, while future prices are part of the signal for the expansion of
generation, which is a key element of the RTO’s transmission planning and
expansion function. For the generation owner, both energy bidding strategies,
and future plant development process, require a view of current and future
ancillary-service pricing. Finally, the public or private utility
contemplating affiliation with an RTO must evaluate the impact of the RTO’s
ancillary services costs (as well as other costs of delivering firm energy) on
its ratepayers and (for private companies) owners.
Useful and reliable simulation of ancillary services markets
requires simultaneous and consistent simulation of the related energy markets.
Such a simulation requires a method based on “rational expectations equilibrium
This point is critical: in the simulated dispatch no supplier of reserves would
make more money by providing energy instead, and no supplier of energy would
increase his profits by selling more reserves and less energy. In other words,
for any generating resource, the marginal cost of operation must reflect this
tradeoff of opportunity costs in the competing markets for energy and those
ancillary services that also delivery energy.
Consider a thermal unit with an incremental heat rate of
9,000 BTU per kilowatt-hour and paying a fuel cost of $30/MMBTU. For that unit,
the marginal cost of providing energy is the greater of (A) $270/MWh and (B)
the expected net capacity price for reserves (the reserve price less any
expected earnings from the dispatch of energy from those reserves). In similar
fashion, the marginal cost of providing reserves is the difference between the
expected energy price and the units cost of $270/MWh, less its expected
earnings from the dispatch of energy from those reserves.[9]
We conducted a simulation of ancillary services markets in a
single hour, using a rational expectation model and the IEEE 24-bus model, as
before for transmission pricing. The goal was to find a set of ancillary
services and energy prices that are consistent with loads, reliability
requirements, transmission constraints and profit-maximizing behavior by
competitive price-responding generators. The results are shown in Table 2.
A full nodal-pricing model
was used for energy, with locational procurement of reserves where necessary to
respect transmission constraints, and a single system-wide market clearing
price for each service. For simplicity, it was assumed that the reserves were
not expected to earn money from the dispatch of energy.
First, ancillary
requirements were set as a percent of load, as shown in the second column of
the table. Second, ancillary services and energy markets were simulated
simultaneously, allowing energy and reserve prices to interact. The
equilibrium A/S prices are shown in the third column of the table. Finally,
the cost for ancillary services to be assigned to each MW of load transaction
is shown in the fourth column of the table. The total cost of ancillary
services, per MW of load served, is $3.54 in the peak hour. This is about 14
percent of a bundled firm-energy price that includes ancillary services,
congestion and recovery of stranded-asset costs.
Table 2. Ancillary Services - Capacity Reserves
(Hour 18, Dec 12, 2000 - IEEE 24-Bus Model)
Requirement as a % of Load
Clearing Price ($/MW)
Cost per MW of Load
Regulation Up
Regulation Down
Spinning Reserves
Non-Spin (ten min)
Transmission Planning and
In the context of the traditional integrated utility, the
transmission planning exercise is a straightforward but computationally
complicated exercise. It involves involving the selection of transmission and
generation expansion plans that minimize the total present-value cost of
delivering uninterrupted power to the utility’s customers. At every point on
the grid in every hour (and in every reasonable contingency) there needs to be
sufficient generating capacity to meet loads. However, when the transmission
grid is operated at capacity, there will be some incremental loads that can
only be served by increasing the output of local generation. In that
circumstance a dynamic, integrated planning process can compare the cost of
delivering new generation to the cost of reinforcing the transmission grid to
achieve an acceptable level of reliability.[10]
A number of indices may be calculated to measure reliability
on a dynamic basis. For example, the average unserved energy at each demand
node measures the demand that would be interrupted due to shortages, transmission
constraints or excessive loads. The standard deviation of the unserved energy
gives a measure of the volatility of these occurrences. Other measures include
the frequency of load interruptions, as well as the variability and the
standard deviation of load interruptions. These numbers can be compared for
cases with and without particular merchant plant additions, transmission
reinforcements or transmission capacity additions. These occurrences are of
vital interest to owners and planners of both generation and transmission
To simulate a reliability analysis in this context, an
expansion plan for generation is created, showing plant additions through time
for which the simulated net present value of the plants is positive, given
expected load growth, fuel prices, and the presence of those plants in the
simulated future years. The generation expansion plan is, therefore, a
rational-expectations plan, based on future prices rather than on past
With the generation expansion plan in place, a variety of
reliability analyses may be performed, using Monte-Carlo techniques to simulate
both market and physical events, such as local variations in loads, and forced
outages of generation. One can compute, for example, the probability and expected
duration of loss of load events, or the expected annual duration of
transmission congestion.
In our simulation we analyzed transmission adequacy using a
model of the Eastern Interconnection, with load growth projected over 20 years,
and with economic plant expansion over the same horizon. The transmission model
for this example was a simplified network, which combines the actual
transmission net into a smaller number of interzonal interfaces. This analysis
allows one to focus on the main areas of transmission congestion. Of course,
investments in generation and transmission to mitigate potential transmission
constraints would use more detailed representations of the transmission
Table 3 shows an example of a transmission adequacy report,
showing both duration and marginal and total annual costs and duration of
congestion costs on selected interfaces of the Eastern Interconnect, given the
expected generation and loads for 2001. For operational planning one can
obtain the probability of congestion during a particular hour on the main
interconnections, as well as the expected congestion prices on those paths and
the expected congestion cost. The congestion costs shown here represent the
differences between locational prices on either side of the congested interface
in those hours in which use of the interface is constrained, minus relevant
grid-access or wheeling charges. It is, therefore, the marginal value of
additional generation. However, if additional transmission capacity is added
the congestion will disappear and owners of the new lines have to recover their
investment through appropriate transmission charges.
Table 3. Projected Transmission Adequacy: Annual Congestion
Cost at s
Selected Interfaces for the Year 2001 for the Eastern
To Interface
Capacity (MW)
Average Marginal Congestion Cost ($/MW)
Total Congestion Cost (000$)
Hours Congested
Ontario Hydro
NYPPzone D
NYPP zone F
North Illinois
In addition the RTO will
loose the congestion revenue. However the producer and consumers will benefit.
Alternatively, installing new generating capacity at the congested side of the
interface can relieve the congestion and lower the clearing prices. For example
a 500 MW generator installed in PJM west at the ECAR -PJM interface may bring
benefit of $13.5*500*4471= 30.2 M$ to the consumers. However, a new generator
may not be able to earn the congestion rent that it helped to mitigate. In a
competitive environment the generator has to be viable from the revenue it
receives from the nodal spot at the node it is located. Our simulation run
indicated that if this generator is a combined cycle nut located at the node
Keystone it is economically viable.
Dr. Deb is President of LCG
Consulting. Ms. Lie-log Hsue is Director of R&D, Mr. Ornatsky is a Senior
Operations Analyst and Dr. Christian is a Senior Economist at LCG. LCG is
located in Los Altos, California. The authors thank Jeremy Platt and Andy Van
Horn for their comments and suggestions. The authors are particularly thankful
to Bruce Radford, the editor of fortnightly for his valuable contribution to
focus the main theme of this article. We invite readers to send comments to Dr.
Deb: E-mail,
Tel. 650-962-9670. This article reports on work partially supported by the
Electric Power Research Institute, Project ID Product ID 041800 / 9488. The
views expressed in this article belong to the authors, and do not necessarily
represent the opinions of EPRI.
Technical Appendix
Notes on the UPLAN models for grid networks and merchant
A market simulation too, such as
LCG’s UPLAN system, can both support the activities of the RTO manager and the
market participation of generators, loads, and traders.
The UPLAN Network Power Model which
integrates a competitive market operations model with an optimal A/C power-flow
program, including (where appropriate) generator behavior to take advantage of
markets for ancillary services, real-time balancing energy, and congestion
management. The simulations use detailed databases of generation, loads, and
transmission, and may be performed in Monte-Carlo mode to simulate network response
to contingencies.
The UPLAN Merchant Plant model may be
used to forecast economic expansion of supply. The transmission model allows
specification of alternative tariff specifications, including postage-stamp and
license plate transmission accesses methodologies, other PBR designs, pure
congestion-pricing designs, and hybrids.
The use of LCG’s UPLAN
market-simulation software, which is built around rational expectations
equilibrium pricing methodology, to support these tasks is reviewed in Deb, “Rethinking
Asset Valuation in a Competitive Environment,” Public Utilities Fortnightly
138 (February 1, 2000): 48 –55; Deb, “Operating Hydroelectric Plants and Pumped
Storage Units,” The Electricity Journal, 13, 3 (April, 2000):
24-32; and Deb, Albert, Hsue, and Brown, “How to Incorporate Volatility and
Risk in Electricity Price Forecasting,” The Electricity Journal, 13,
4 (May 2000): 65-75.
Here we summarize the functions and
requirements laid out for the RTO in FERC Order 2000, and show how the UPLAN
tool addresses these functions, with several examples from recent work.
Figure. UPLAN Treatment
of FERC’s RTO Functions
FERC’s RTO Functions
UPLAN Treatment of Mandatory Functions
Tariff design &
Directly addressed via
evaluation of alternative transmission tariffs and resulting contract flows,
producing projected revenues and power transaction volumes.
Transmission congestion
Directly determined by
optimal AC power flow analysis and UPLAN redispatch costs to relieve
Parallel path flow (reduced
loop flow)
Directly identified from
calculated flows on specified paths and by simulation of measures affecting
power flows.
Ancillary services
Explicitly simulated by
applying market design protocols: e.g., UPLAN treats CA, New England &
PJM rules in its bidding and ISO dispatch functions for regulation/AGC, spin
and non-spin reserves, replacement and real-time imbalance energy.
Total Transmission
Capability (TTC) and Available Transmission Capability (ATC)
TTC is input into the
database for each line and interface and may vary by month. ATC is simulated
hourly by the AC power flow calculation.
Market monitoring
Direct calculation of
multiple measures of generator market power, as well as impact measures of
bidding behavior, capacity withdrawal, and the effects of price caps.
Transmission planning and
Analyzed via alternative
scenarios and built-in new entrant model for generation expansion, additions
and retirements. Develops measures of transmission system adequacy.
Interregional coordination
UPLAN models each NERC
region, as well as the Eastern, Midwestern and Southeastern Interconnected
Systems, WSCC & ERCOT, plus flexibly defined RTO regions embedded within
each regional grid.
A Typical Simulation:
Task I: Develop a Base-Case Scenario. Develop a
detailed model of the grid, incorporating the best available current
information regarding market rules, existing and future stock of generation and
transmission assets, loads, and so forth. A planning horizon is developed, and
the model simulated, generally including Monte-Carlo simulation to take account
of the variability of the fundamental volatility drivers. The results may
include simulation forecasts of zonal prices and locational marginal prices, as
appropriate, generator output, power flows, revenues from congestion and from
grid usage fees, and standard grid reliability analyses.
Task II: Simulate Alternative Scenarios. Develop a
detailed model of the alternative scenario (which might involve different grid-access
and wheeling pricing levels or methodologies, zonal configurations, alignment
with different RTOs, etc), and simulation under the same load and supply
conditions simulated in Task I.
Task III: Asset Evaluation. Produce estimates of the
revenues to the owners of transmission assets, from congestion charges,
transmission-access and wheeling charges, and other sources, over the planning
horizon of the simulation. The present value of these flows of revenues, net of
going-forward maintenance expenses, is a simulated value of the assets.
Similar computations can be applied to generation assets, or financial rights
to transmission or generation.
Task IV: Market Reaction. Alternative market
participant behavior is modeled through modified bidding strategies and/or
withholding of generator capacity. Generators make unit-commitment decisions
that allow startup and fuel costs to be covered by sales of energy and
ancillary services, with generators operating at increased levels whenever
incremental revenues at least cover incremental costs (including opportunity
costs). These market-power scenarios are analyzed for their impact on the
revenues to market participants, including transmission owners, and on other
aspects of RTO operations.