


EIA Publishes Study on High Renewables Growth Impact in WECC Markets using UPLAN

LCG, July 19, 2024 – A working paper published by the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) utilized the UPLAN model to study the impact of high renewables growth in the Western Electric Coordinating Council (WECC) markets.

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LCG Publishes 2024 Annual Outlook for Texas Electricity Market (ERCOT)

LCG, October 10, 2023 – LCG Consulting (LCG) has released its annual outlook of the ERCOT wholesale electricity market for 2024, based on the most likely weather, market, transmission, and generator conditions.

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Industry News

Vistra's DeCordova Energy Storage Facility Commences Operations in Texas

LCG, May 27, 2022--Vistra announced yesterday that its DeCordova Energy Storage Facility in Granbury, Texas, is now online and storing and delivering electricity to the ERCOT grid in time for the Texas summer. The 260-MW/260 MW-hour battery energy storage project is the largest of its kind in the Lone Star State. The battery storage energy system (BESS) was initially announced in September 2020. Project construction commenced in June 2021 and was finished in less than a year.

The DeCordova Energy Storage Facility stores excess, low-priced electricity from the grid primarily when intermittent renewable power generation (solar and wind) peaks and delivers electricity back to the grid when prices rise and demand is highest. The BESS includes over 3,000 individual battery modules and uses a lithium-ion technology housed in containers that, in addition to project inverters, were supplied by Sungrow, the project integrator. Mortenson provided engineering and construction expertise.

Vistra’s CEO stated, “As our fleet and electric grids across the country transition to cleaner generation, we haven’t lost sight of our essential role in providing reliable, affordable electricity. The battery storage technology at DeCordova accomplishes those objectives – providing instantaneous-start, dispatchable generation to help balance the intermittency of renewable energy as the electric grid transitions to low-to-zero-carbon resources. No doubt, a project of this size and an overall investment this ambitious solidifies Vistra’s position as a market leader in investing in, owning, and operating emission-free power generation in Texas and beyond while balancing affordability and reliability.”

Vistra’s president and chief financial officer stated, “DeCordova offers a unique value proposition – not only can this battery system provide instantaneous full power to the grid with the flip of a switch, but it is also co-located on the same site as our quick-start DeCordova natural gas-fueled power plant. This pairing means we essentially have a large, one-hour battery system with dispatchable, reliable generation, leading to continuity of operation and resiliency of the grid. In addition, these gas-fueled generation units have seven days of diesel backup in the event of any disruption of natural gas supplies, which is yet another example of the resiliency aspect of the Decordova site.”

The DeCordova project is the second of seven new zero-carbon projects Vistra is bringing online in Texas over the next few years as part of its growing Vistra Zero portfolio. In total, these new power generation facilities represent a nearly $1 billion capital investment within the Texas ERCOT market.

Along with DeCordova and Brightside Solar Facility, Vistra is also completing the 108-MW Emerald Grove Solar Facility in Crane County ahead of summer. Together with its existing emission-free generation assets, including the Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant, these projects bring the company’s zero-carbon Vistra Zero portfolio to nearly 3,300 MW online, with plans to grow to more than 7,300 MW by 2026.
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