


EIA Publishes Study on High Renewables Growth Impact in WECC Markets using UPLAN

LCG, July 19, 2024 – A working paper published by the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) utilized the UPLAN model to study the impact of high renewables growth in the Western Electric Coordinating Council (WECC) markets.

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LCG Publishes 2024 Annual Outlook for Texas Electricity Market (ERCOT)

LCG, October 10, 2023 – LCG Consulting (LCG) has released its annual outlook of the ERCOT wholesale electricity market for 2024, based on the most likely weather, market, transmission, and generator conditions.

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Industry News

Nicor Energy Defends Customer Choice Program

LCG, Sept. 26, 2000--Nicor Energy Inc., which saw the customer choice program of its Nicor Gas Co. subsidiary suspended last week by the Illinois Commerce Commission, and rebutted claims by an advocacy group that the company had misled the public.

"We're extremely disappointed about the decision," said Kevin Stoffer, president and chief executive of Nicor Energy. "It's Illinois consumers who will suffer from this decision. We believe in choice for all customers, and this decision takes that opportunity away for customers in northern Illinois."

Stoffer responded to disparaging claims made by the Citizens Utility Board, a self-appointed consumer watchdog, which said Nicor Gas switched customers to an unregulated affiliate without making it clear that Nicor Energy wasn't the same as the gas company. "Our marketingprogram has been forthright and thorough," Stoffer said. "All complaints from our customers have been resolved. The few problems we've encountered have been addressed and always, if customers were unhappy about their choice, we've released them from their contract with no cancellation fee."

"We hope the Illinois Commerce Commission will resolve any outstanding issues and will be able to put choice back into the hands of consumers," Stoffer concluded.

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