


Canadian Solar Announces New Battery Energy Storage Projects in California and Texas

LCG, March 6, 2025--Canadian Solar Inc. (Canadian Solar) announced today that e-STORAGE, a subsidiary of Canadian Solar majority-owned subsidiary CSI Solar Co., Ltd. (CSI Solar), has secured Battery Supply Agreements and Long-Term Service Agreements (LTSA) for two major battery energy storage projects developed by Aypa Power, a Blackstone portfolio company. These projects are designed to improve grid resilience and support renewable energy integration. Construction of the projects is planned to begin in Q3 2025.

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GE Vernova and AWS Announce Strategic Framework Agreement to Support AWS's Data Center Growth and to Address Global Energy Demand and Grid Challenges

LCG, March 5, 2025--GE Vernova and Amazon Web Services, Inc. (AWS), an, Inc. company, announced yesterday the signing of a strategic framework agreement (SFA) designed to (i) support AWS’s data center scaling and (ii) provide collaboration to address increasing global energy demand, advance grid security and reliability, and decarbonization of electric power systems.

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Industry News

New England ISO's Market Design Approved by FERC

LCG, Sep. 30, 2002--ISO New England's market design proposal, reflecting elements similar to those in the market run by PJM Interconnection, the mid-Atlantic grid operator, was largely approved by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission last week.

The most important features of the proposal include "designated congestion areas," where known supply problems exist; a transition to locational marginal pricing within 18 months, in order to reflect the spatial variation in supply and demand; a system to auction financial transmission rights, by which owners of rights can earn revenue; and a demand management program to pay customers to reduce demand. The one area over which dissent was expressed was the level of installed capacity payments, which Commissioner Nora Brownell thought insufficient to draw long-term investment.

Although ISO New England and the New York Independent System Operator have discussed a merger between their market operations, some New England states have resisted, fearing that power supply would flow to New York. FERC commented that although upcoming market rules it will finalize in 2004 could lead to necessary changes in market rules, the current proposal "benefits customers by accepting improvements to New England's markets, including a day-ahead and real-time market, locational marginal pricing, mechanisms to mitigate market power, demand response programs, and a capacity resource mechanism."
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The Locational Marginal Price Model (LMP) Network Power Model
Uniform Storage Model
A Battery Simulation Model
Day Ahead and Real Time Market Simulation
The Gas Procurement and Competitive Analysis System
Database of Plants, Loads, Assets, Transmission...
CAISO CRR Auctions
Monthly Price and Congestion Forecasting Service