


EIA Publishes Study on High Renewables Growth Impact in WECC Markets using UPLAN

LCG, July 19, 2024 – A working paper published by the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) utilized the UPLAN model to study the impact of high renewables growth in the Western Electric Coordinating Council (WECC) markets.

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LCG Publishes 2024 Annual Outlook for Texas Electricity Market (ERCOT)

LCG, October 10, 2023 – LCG Consulting (LCG) has released its annual outlook of the ERCOT wholesale electricity market for 2024, based on the most likely weather, market, transmission, and generator conditions.

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Industry News

Senate Panel Finds FERC Lacking

LCG, November 12, 2002-A Senate panel has determined that the FERC neglected to act on information about Enron and has too few personnel attending to the regulation of industry.

In a report released today, the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee found that the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission should have noticed Enron's irregular behavior as long as five years ago. In the report, Senators pointed to wind farm transactions in 1997 where assets were transferred to secret Enron partnerships instead of companies separate from Enron as promised.

A higher rate on power is allowed to be charged for qualifying facilities such as wind generators; Enron's acquisition of three California wind projects mandated either Enron's sale of the wind assets or a non-special rate on those generators. Enron's secret ownership tacked on an additional and illegal $176 million in collections from the wind farms.

FERC had begun investigating the secret partnerships only last month.

According to the report, "On a number of occasions, FERC was provided with sufficient information to raise suspicions of improper activities -- or had itself identified potential problems -- in areas where it had regulatory responsibilities over Enron, but failed to understand the significance of the information of its implications."

The Senate Committee also noted that FERC had too few staff involved with market oversight and that too small of a percentage of FERC's employees are involved in preventing market abuse.

FERC has already countered that, with only 1,250 employees, 800 of which are involved in safety and licensing, 200 of the remaining 450 are working in oversight and enforcement. The Federal agency has also taken issue with the Senate Committee's criticism of FERC's investigation, saying more skilled investigators have been hired.

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