


EIA Publishes Study on High Renewables Growth Impact in WECC Markets using UPLAN

LCG, July 19, 2024 – A working paper published by the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) utilized the UPLAN model to study the impact of high renewables growth in the Western Electric Coordinating Council (WECC) markets.

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LCG Publishes 2024 Annual Outlook for Texas Electricity Market (ERCOT)

LCG, October 10, 2023 – LCG Consulting (LCG) has released its annual outlook of the ERCOT wholesale electricity market for 2024, based on the most likely weather, market, transmission, and generator conditions.

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Industry News

New Legislation Requires Xcel to Reduce Emissions from Colorado Coal Plants

LCG, April 21, 2010-- Colorado Governor Bill Ritter signed on Monday the Colorado Clean Air-Clean Jobs Act, which requires Xcel Energy to reduce nitrogen oxide emissions by 70 to 80 percent from several coal-fired power plants by December 31, 2017. The Clean Air-Clean Jobs Act was supported by a broad coalition that included power companies, natural gas producers and conservationists.

Xcel will work with the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment and submit an emissions reduction plan to the Public Utilities Commission by August 15, 2010. The submittal will outline Xcel's plans to retire, retrofit, or repower 900 MW of Xcel's coal-fired, electric generating units. Modifications to the units may include converting to natural gas, biomass or other energy sources.

The Governor recently stated, "The Clean Air-Clean Jobs Act will dramatically reduce air pollution and support the growth of homegrown energy, ensuring that cleaner-burning Colorado natural gas works together with renewable energy to keep building our nationally recognized New Energy Economy....This legislation gives us a chance to clean the air in Rocky Mountain National park, to reduce the Brown Cloud and to cut mercury emissions that threaten the health of our children. By crafting this uniquely Colorado solution, this bill also will allow us to comply with looming federal clean air standards."

The President and CEO for Public Service Co. of Colorado, an Xcel Energy company, stated "Xcel Energy has long supported efforts to address our region?s air quality in a pro-active, uniquely Colorado way; we have established a solid track record of successfully meeting such challenges....We know that the Rocky Mountain region is experiencing issues with regional haze and ozone, and potentially other emissions issues. This legislation establishes a framework to address these air quality issues in a way that ultimately will be the most cost-effective for our customers, and best for the state of Colorado."

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