


EIA Publishes Study on High Renewables Growth Impact in WECC Markets using UPLAN

LCG, July 19, 2024 – A working paper published by the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) utilized the UPLAN model to study the impact of high renewables growth in the Western Electric Coordinating Council (WECC) markets.

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LCG Publishes 2024 Annual Outlook for Texas Electricity Market (ERCOT)

LCG, October 10, 2023 – LCG Consulting (LCG) has released its annual outlook of the ERCOT wholesale electricity market for 2024, based on the most likely weather, market, transmission, and generator conditions.

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Industry News

Premier Forging Ahead on Privatization of Ontario Power Grid

LCG, Apr 26, 2002--In the wake of a court ruling blocking the planned sale of Hydro One, Ontario's public utility, Premier Ernie Eves is both appealing the ruling and ready to rewrite the law to go through with the sale, which had been planned for the fall.

Eve said that he understood "there's a lot of concern" surrounding the offering of shares in the utility, formerly known as Ontario Hydro, and that public input would be pursued in developing the appropriate legal framework for privatization. He said, "it's important to the future of the province of Ontario that they have a supply of electricity in the future at reasonable cost." Currently, Hydro One is carrying $38 billion in debt. Energy Minister Chris Stockwell insisted that the sale would have the best outcome for taxpayers, bringing necessary private investment to the power sector.

A public relations battle appears to be taking shape between Eves and his political opposition, who think that selling the natural monopoly will not save customers money. The New Democratic Party Leader Howard Hampton contended, "seventy percent of the people in the province are opposed to this. This government isn't going to listen to them."

The court ruling that deemed the offering of shares in Hydro One illegal was handed down by Ontario Superior Court judge Arthur Gans. The lawsuit against the sale was brought by two unions, the Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada and the Canadian Union of Public Employees. Sean Dewart, the lawyer who brought the suit, was surprised by the verdict. The attorneys for the government, however, called no witnessses and did not introduce any evidence during the proceeding.
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