


LCG Publishes 2025 Annual Outlook for Texas Electricity Market (ERCOT)

LCG, August 14, 2024 – LCG Consulting (LCG) has released its annual outlook of the ERCOT wholesale electricity market for 2025, highlighting the region's rapid transition toward increased reliance on renewable energy resources and battery storage.

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LCG Publishes 2025 Annual Outlook for Texas Electricity Market (ERCOT)

LCG, August 14, 2024 – LCG Consulting (LCG) has released its annual outlook of the ERCOT wholesale electricity market for 2025, highlighting the region's rapid transition toward increased reliance on renewable energy resources and battery storage.

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Industry News

One-Month Delay for MISO Market Opening

LCG, January 28, 2005--The Midwest Independent Transmission System Operator (Midwest ISO) announced yesterday that it will delay the opening of its new, Day-Ahead and Real-Time markets by a month in order to allow further system testing and training to occur. The Midwest markets were previously scheduled to be launched on March 1, 2005.

The schedule retains final trials to occur from January 29 through February 4, followed by system cutover on February 5 to February 20. The new schedule now calls for all market systems to be used for mandatory trials until financially binding activities start with the opening of the market for bids and offers on March 25, and the Real-Time market on April 1.

The Midwest ISO plans to provide the Readiness Certification to operate the market to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) upon completion of the final, mandatory trials. The Midwest ISO states that the change was developed based upon feedback from market participants.

The FERC conditionally accepted the Midwest ISO's proposed Open Access Transmission and Energy Markets Tariff (TEMT) in August 2004. The TEMT includes Day-Ahead and Real-Time energy markets that will incorporate centralized, security-constrained, economic dispatch and LMP-based pricing similar to the operations of PJM, the New York ISO and ISO-New England. The TEMT will include market mitigation based upon conduct and impact thresholds.

The Midwest ISO covers more than 96,000 miles of high voltage transmission lines located in 15 states and one Canadian province. The implementation of the TEMT will alter the market design and competition across a wide expanse, extending from eastern Montana through the upper Midwest - including Manitoba - and south to parts of Kentucky and Missouri. After the TEMT is launched, the FERC's Standard Market Design, with LMP-based pricing, will be effectively in use across the northern half of the Eastern Interconnect.

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The Locational Marginal Price Model (LMP) Network Power Model
Uniform Storage Model
A Battery Simulation Model
Day Ahead and Real Time Market Simulation
The Gas Procurement and Competitive Analysis System
Database of Plants, Loads, Assets, Transmission...
CAISO CRR Auctions
Monthly Price and Congestion Forecasting Service