


EIA Publishes Study on High Renewables Growth Impact in WECC Markets using UPLAN

LCG, July 19, 2024 – A working paper published by the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) utilized the UPLAN model to study the impact of high renewables growth in the Western Electric Coordinating Council (WECC) markets.

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LCG Publishes 2024 Annual Outlook for Texas Electricity Market (ERCOT)

LCG, October 10, 2023 – LCG Consulting (LCG) has released its annual outlook of the ERCOT wholesale electricity market for 2024, based on the most likely weather, market, transmission, and generator conditions.

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Industry News

PNM Files Settlement Agreement for San Juan Coal Plant

LCG, October 3, 2014-Public Service Company of New Mexico (PNM) filed a settlement agreement on Tuesday with the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission (NMPRC) designed to allow PNM to modify plans for the coal-fired San Juan Generating Station to facilitate compliance with the Clean Air Act. The settlement agreement was executed by staff of the NMPRC, the State Attorney General, Renewable Energy Industries Association of New Mexico, New Mexico Independent Power Producers and Western Resource Advocates. A final decision from the NMPRC is anticipated early next year.

In order to comply with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations under the Clean Air Act, the settlement agreement calls for PNM to retire Units 2 and 3 at the San Juan Generating Station and install emissions control equipment on Units 1 and 4. PNM will compensate for the lost capacity in part with 132 MW of additional capacity from San Juan Unit 4 and will acquire additional power from PNM's capacity at Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station. The estimated increase to the average customer's bill is approximately seven percent.

PNM will also expand its efforts to support renewable energy. For example, PNM will extend its existing rooftop solar program through 2019 (rather than through 2016) and will issue requests for proposals (RFPs) next year to add 50 MW of renewable energy.

PNM Resources' chairman, president and CEO stated, "This is an important step forward toward final approval of a plan for San Juan that offers the best balance of reliability, affordability, and environmental protection. It is a clear demonstration of the value that is created by working together with our stakeholders to find a solution that maximizes benefits and lowers costs."

The EPA announced its final approval of the revised state implementation plan on September 26.
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