



LCG offers comprehensive modeling capabilities that support every major function vested with the Regional Transmission Operators (RTOs) including tariff design and administration as supported by contract flow evaluation.

From Market Monitoring tasks such as measuring individual generator market power and bidding behavior, to the pricing of ancillary services, LCG provides clients with the services required to meet short, medium and long-term goals with regards to transmission analysis.


LCG Solutions for Midwest Markets

With its release of PLATO-LMP database for Midwestern Interconnect, LCG Consulting (LCG) is uniquely positioned to prepare generation and transmission owners analyzing the design and impacts of the Midwest Market Initiative.

LCG is a pioneer in Regional Transmission Organization (RTO) studies, has in-depth knowledge of power sector restructuring, and has developed and extensively applied its proprietary UPLAN software system for energy market simulation. UPLAN is exclusive in combining full AC and DC simulation of the transmission grid, calculation of Locational Marginal Prices (LMP) for congestion management, and bid-based commitment and dispatch of generators simultaneously for energy and multiple ancillary services in day ahead and real time markets. To date, it is the only model that is fully consistent with FERC Standard Market Design (SMD) requirements (See, and is distinctively capable of modeling the Midwest market design. Recently LCG in collaboration with EPRI has conducted several large-scale asset valuation studies of energy and ancillary services for all areas of the United States.

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LCG Delivers Transmission and Distribution Power Wheeling Tariff Design Services to Taiwan Power

Under legislated mandate, the electric power market is shifting to a deregulated structure. LCG has played a key advisory role for Taiwan Power Company, enabling it to implement new power wheeling tariffs, including rules and protocols for system operation as well as pricing methods and structures. LCG's contributions included in-depth analysis of the basic theories, key issues and major approaches for T&D power wheeling tariff design. LCG also reviewed alternative T&D power wheeling rules and pricing methods used in major regions of the world that are undergoing electricity liberalization and restructuring.

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Transmission and Distribution Power Wheeling Tariff Design, Vol. I: Issues and Theory of Tariff Design

This report presents a comprehensive analysis of the fundamental theories, issues and approaches for design of transmission and distribution tariffs.

Transmission and Distribution Power Wheeling Tariff Design, Vol. II: Survey of Pricing Methodology and Grid Management in Various Regions in the World

This report covers alternative approaches to grid management that have been implemented in several regions worldwide where deregulation has taken effect.

Transmission and Distribution Power Wheeling Tariff Design, Vol. III: Simulation and Comparative Study of Grid Pricing and Management Methods for Taiwan Power Company, Nov. 2001

In this report, we present results of simulations performed using the UPLAN system of models for a number of selected tariff design and grid management approaches.

Transmission and Distribution Power Wheeling Tariff Design, Vol. IV: Comparison of Selected Prices and Tariffs for Taiwan Power Comppany, Final Recommendadations, Nov. 2001

This reports contains recommendations based on topological and other considerations for energy and ancillary service charges, transmission and distribution tariffs, congestion management charges, stranded asset recovery and charges related to equipment and maintenance expenses. A review of key changes related to protocols, equipment and facility that might be required to implement these changes is also presented.

Transmission and Distribution Power Wheeling Tariff Design: Proposed Rules and Regulation

Dispatch protocols, market rules and bilateral and multilateral contracts are covered in this report.

Analysis of Reserves for CAISO territory

A 10-year Analysis of Reserves for the California Independent System Operator Territory and Analysis of Emergency Condition has been delivered. LCG identifies various stages of alerts and their impacts on the electricity network.

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The Locational Marginal Price Model (LMP) Network Power Model
Uniform Storage Model
A Battery Simulation Model
Day Ahead and Real Time Market Simulation
The Gas Procurement and Competitive Analysis System
Database of Plants, Loads, Assets, Transmission...
CAISO CRR Auctions
Monthly Price and Congestion Forecasting Service